After about 10 years of political campaigning, the British government announced yesterday that it intends to introduce a tax relief for the UK video games industry. EGDF, the European Games…
Helsinki, 21/03/2012: After years of intense discussions, the UK Chancellor George Osborne today announced the UK games development sector would benefit from similar tax break measures that benefit the film…
TIGA member Grant Thornton, the accountancy firm, provides a summary of this week’s budget for TIGA members.As part of the 2012 Budget the Government announced an ambition to make theUK…
TIGA has a number of successes in Budget 2012, such as:2.47 Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) scheme – The Government will more than double the individual grant limit from £120,000 to £250,000,…
Helsinki, 21/03/2012: After years of intense discussions, the UK Chancellor George Osborne today announced the UK games development sector would benefit from similar tax break measures that benefit the film…
TIGA secures decisive victory for UK video games industry TIGA, the trade association representing the UK Games Industry, said today that the Government’s announcement that it intends to introduce a…
SNP MEP Ian Hudghton has welcomed assurances from the European Commission’s Competition Directorate-General that it has no plans to halt tax relief on the games industry. The MEP recently raised concerns…
During a recent speech the Scottish Finance Minister John Swinney MSP mentions TIGA:"With independence we can be smarter in theway we use tax powers. For example, we could offer tax…
Full statement:Chris White (Warwick and Leamington) (Con): The video games industry is a major employer in my constituency—several hundred people in Warwick and Leamington are employed in the sector—but it…