TIGA: DCMS figures show we must celebrate & encourage the UK Creative Industries

By January 13, 2015 No Comments

TIGA, the network for videogame developers and digital publishers has responded to new figures published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) on the success of the UK’s creative industries, including videogames, saying they are a cause for celebration and evidence that on-going Government support will pay off.

The DCMS’ figures show that the UK’s Creative Industries are now worth £76.9 billion per year to the UK economy, and the Gross Value Added (GVA) for 2012-13 increased by 9.9 per cent – more than three times that of the UK economy as a whole, and higher than any other industry.

With videogames now recognised as one of our most valuable creative industries, as reflected by the DCMS’ reporting of the findings, and the green light given for Games Tax Relief last year, 2015 has the potential to be another landmark year for UK videogame businesses.

Other key statistics released by DCMS include:

  • Gross Value Added (GVA) of the Creative Industries was £76.9bn in 2013 and accounted for 5.0 per cent of the UK Economy. For the fourth year running, the Creative Industries proportion of total UK GVA was higher than the year before, and is now at a record high.
  • The Creative Industries accounted for 1.71m jobs in 2013, 5.6 per cent of total UK jobs; and a 1.4 per cent increase on 2012.
  • The value of services exported by the Creative Industries was £17.3bn in 2012, 8.8 per cent of total UK service exports.
  • Between 2011 and 2012 the value of service exports from the Creative Industries increased by 11.3 per cent. This compares with an increase of 2.8 per cent for total UK service exports.

Dr Richard Wilson, CEO, TIGA, comments:

“It is excellent to see the UK’s creative industries go from strength to strength.

“Games Tax Relief will also prove to be a significant boost to UK videogame businesses and the wider economy. However, we must not become complacent or think the mission is complete.

“If we reinforce this success and consider new and innovative measures to encourage growth, such as TIGA’s proposed Creative Content Fund and a Prototype Fund the UK videogame industry can continue to make an important contribution to the wider creative industries and economy.”


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