TIGA AWARDS 2024: A look back at our 2023 winners – Amiqus

By August 5, 2024 No Comments

In the lead-up to the TIGA Games Industry Awards 2024, we revisit last year’s winners. We chat with Liz Prince (pictured), Business Manager at Amiqus, the company which won the Best Recruitment Agency category in 2023, to find out what the award means to them, and what advice they’d give to anyone considering entering the awards this year…

What does winning a TIGA Award mean to you?

At Amiqus we are fortunate and grateful to have won 24 awards so far since 2009, but we take none of them for granted. Each is an important validation of our commitment to work as part of the industry, helping studios to expand and assisting professionals to find their next career move.

The TIGA Award for Best Recruitment Agency is important to us as a benchmark of excellence and as a proud member of TIGA, an important organisation supporting the industry.

What pearls of wisdom would you share with those considering entering the TIGA Awards 2024?

Quite simply, go for it! Often we are shy at highlighting and championing our own achievements, but events like the TIGA Awards allow us to celebrate our work with our colleagues, friends and industry peers.

The entry process is straightforward, and it’s important to recognise that just being shortlisted for an award is a great achievement.

The awards ceremony itself is a brilliant event and a great opportunity to meet up with friends and to make important new connections. And, taking place at the end of November, it’s the perfect kickstart to the festive celebrations!

What trends or developments have you observed in the games industry since your win?

The biggest is unfortunately a negative, but one that has affected us, along with many studios and individuals working within the industry – that of the significant restructuring and redundancies in some parts of the sector. As a recruitment specialist in games, this has hit us hard, so we are so thankful to everyone who has continued to support us, and we are hopeful that things will improve for all in the coming months.

In your opinion, how can industry associations like TIGA continue to support and elevate the video game development community?

We recognise that lobbying Government on issues like Video Games Expenditure Credit and skills development funds are hugely important for boosting the UK’s games development sector. Anything that helps the industry to grow and employ more professionals is to be welcomed. Research, reports and data to demonstrate the importance of games within the UK is also key.

About The TIGA Awards

The TIGA Games Industry Awards 2024 will take place on Thursday November 28th at Shoreditch Town Hall, London.

Nominations are open now, until this coming Friday August 9th, and there are categories suitable for all to enter. Find out more here.

The TIGA Games Industry Awards are made possible, thanks to the support of our sponsors. They include Toikido (After Show Party); Sumo Group, Supermassive Games and Ubisoft (Gold Sponsors); Abertay University and Staffordshire University (Silver Sponsors); Birmingham City University, Bournemouth University, Eaton Smith, Kwalee, Outplay Entertainment, Playground Games, Space Ape Games, Stevens & Bolton, Testronic and Universally Speaking (Bronze Sponsors).

SpecialEffect has once again been chosen as the Charity Partner for the TIGA Awards. This inspirational organisation transforms the lives of physically disabled people right across the world through the innovative use of technology.

A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available. To find out more email Suzi Stephenson via suzi@tiga.org.


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