Lets play a Game!

By September 16, 2011 TIGA News

Over recent years games and
game techniques are increasingly being used as creative tools from education to
business to aid learning, inform strategy and increase efficiency and is
recognised such as LEGO, Microsoft and Nokia.


Friday 30th September
– 1st October 2011, see the launch of playARK – two days of
all things games.


Day one is a series of talks from world re-knowned game
designers, commissioners and producers from across the UK presenting on the
many facets of games and game play. Day two will provide a wide range of
games that are available for everyone to play. An exciting mix of inclusive and
accessible games that range from; digital and computer games, board games and
physical pervasive street games that are played in everyday spaces.


Led by Julian Sykes , in
collaboration with Chapter Arts Centre, Hoffi and playthisnext said ” the two
day event will provide a unique opportunity to support open game play in Wales
and promote games and games development a sub-sector of the creative industries
that is recognised by the Welsh Government as a growth sector for Wales.


Event Organiser Alison John
explains, ” Games are seen very much as pure entertainment or something that
you do when you’re young. However, over the last ten years there has been a step
change in the way games have been devised that are not only adding value to
communities but making a contribution to the Welsh economy”


She continued, “We are really
excited about putting on our second year of games events. It is a great way of
getting people together opening new and unique channels of interaction”.


Tickets are on sale


Playark aims to;

discussion as to the power of games and promote and demonstrate the potential
for change in education, industry and communities,

relationships between existing companies, academia, and industry, to promote
open innovation through games and play; and,

Increase and attract new
audiences to the learning and health benefits of playing games. 

 The playARK conference is
supported by the University of Glamorgan’s Cardiff School of Creative and
Cultural Industries, and Cardiff Council through ECCE Innovation – New Markets
for Cultural and Creative industries



About arklab:


thinkARK Led by a core of three, thinkark is an informal,
voluntary gathering of thinkers, doers, writers and creative’s who meet weekly
to develop projects and initiatives that respond to social issues.


www.thinkark.co.uk playARK
playARK is a new annual games event in Cardiff, which aims to create
and promote immersive gaming experiences that will challenge perceptions of
everyday surroundings, creating experiences that bring positive change.




Issued by the ark-lab

For more information please contact:

Julian Sykes

Ark -Lab

MB: 07799 077389

E: julian.sykes@ark-lab.co.uk


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