HMRC know that most Small & Medium Enterprises want to get things right but may need help to do so. We particularly want to help customers as they face key business life events, including starting in business, taking on an employee, registering for VAT, importing/ exporting and incorporation. To aid this our Partner Service offers:
- Webinars – These are tailored online presentations for your members that can be run weekly/ monthly/ quarterly, depending on the numbers attending, as part of a regular programme or as ‘pick and mix days’, if you’re running an event over a day. You can choose the subject(s) from our extensive menu of options and, as they’re live, your customers can interact with HMRC and ask questions.
- Regular and varied communications – These include;
- Key Messages which feature important and widespread information from across HMRC.
- Information emails, these link to help and support for a particular or timely theme, for example Self Assessment or the Budget, or to new or topical services and products.
Our products include:
- E-learning packages for self- employed customers, employers and traders registered for VAT. Starting your own business for the self-employed covers all aspects of starting and growing a business. Becoming an employerdeals with taking on and paying employees. VAT – Getting started for traders who are working out if they need to register for VAT. VAT – How VAT worksfor essential information once you’re registered. Thousands of businesses have already used these and found they’re a great way of learning.
- A range of webinars. These enable customers to attend a seminar at a time to suit them. We have both live and pre-recorded webinars covering a range of topics. Customer feedback tells us that these are a good way to get started.
- A selection of short videos onYouTubecovering subjects such as Registering as Self-Employed, PAYE, Record Keeping and Construction Industry. These are a really useful way to get a quick overview on various subjects.
- Business help and education emails is a free service to provide customers with emails from HMRC that are tailored to their needs. They are designed to help customers understand what they need to do and how to get it right first time.
- Record keeping for mobile devicesenable customers to access apps to help make life a little easier for busy people on the go. A ready reckoner is also available to help customers budget for their first tax bill and our tax help fact sheetsare a good source of straightforward guidance that customers can download from our website.
- @HMRCBusinessHelp is a Twitter account designed to provide help to business.We tweet about our products, upcoming tax matters and online guidance.