Industry News


By July 22, 2016 No Comments

Closing Date 29th July 2016

Location –Gas Ferry Road Studio, Bristol

Here at Aardman’s digital and interactive dept, we’re looking to expand our roster of local freelance creative front-end HTML5 developers with experience in making richly animated web experiences and/or simple web games.

You will be fluent in the modern front-end web stack, and able to build fully responsive websites and HTML5 web apps. You’ll have experience with CSS animations using popular animation libraries like GSAP. You will have experience building on top of Canvas and WebGL, you’ve probably messed around with Three.js, and may have made simple games and experiences using libraries like Create.js or Phaser.

You will be aware of the limitations in building web apps for mobile and tablet devices, often with limited available memory and the requirement to run on older browsers. Ideally, you like working in Typescript. You may even have a background in Flash and AS3 (but sshhh it’s okay we won’t tell anyone).

You will be based in the Bristol area, and able to work on site in our central Bristol office for at least some of the time on any projects.

If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you. Please send your CV, CV Coversheet (including your day rate) and examples of your work/portfolio to: clearly starting “HTML5 Developers Callout” in the subject title.


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