Swindon MP backs tax relief for games industry

By May 10, 2012 TIGA News

A Conservative MP has backed his party's decision to grant tax relief to the videogames industry.
Justin Tomlinson, MP for Swindon North, also praised videogame trade industry body for its long-fought campaign on the issue. 

Mr Tomlinson said: 

“Unlike many trade associations, TIGA has consistently provided strong empirical evidence to back up its case for Government support and investment.”TIGA made a powerful case for a tax credit for games production and I was pleased to work with TIGA in securing this measure in the recent Budget.

“This tax credit will provide a major boost to the UK games development sector and help to support the wider economic recovery.”

Swindon is already benefiting from the attraction of games and computing. Its Museum of Computing has been officially awarded Provisional Accredited Status by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council and has proved popular among visitors.

Videogame development was handed tax breaks as part of Tory Chancellor George Osborne's Budget in March.
It followed years of lobbying by TIGA, the trade association representing the UK games industry.

Gaming is worth an estimated £1bn to the UK's GDP and the country has been responsible for some of gaming's most iconic titles including Grand Theft Auto and Fable.TIGA is now liaising with developers to ensure the Government frames the tax relief in a way which is simple and effective for the games industry to use. 

TIGA wants the application process to be an easy one.


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