Leeds City College runs a large and successful Computer Games department, helping students from 16-19 start their journey into the Games Industry. We introduce them to coding, engines, game art, 3D, narrative and design, as well as developing them as employable, rounded human beings.
We’re keen to ensure that our courses are relevant to the needs of industry, and to that end we’re always looking for engagement with real life, actual game developers. This takes a variety of forms. Some come and give talks to the learners about specific disciplines, such as a day in the life of a narrative designer. Some get involved at the planning level, helping us to develop our briefs. And some give feedback to the students themselves, appraising their work and giving good, realistic feedback.
If you’d like to get involved, please contact rob.reed@leedscitycollege.ac.uk if only to see his delighted, enthusiastic response.