Florida’s tax break reinforces TIGA’s case for Games Tax Relief

By May 6, 2010 Press Releases

TIGA, the trade association representing the UK games industry, said today that Florida’s decision to provide a tax break for digital media products, including games development, confirmed the imperative for the UK to introduce TIGA’s Games Tax Relief as soon as possible. The Florida Legislature has passed SB 1752, which makes interactive digital media projects eligible for a 20 per cent tax credit for qualifying production expenses.
Richard Wilson, CEO of TIGA, said:

“The UK games industry wants to compete on a level playing field with games businesses elsewhere in the world. Until we have TIGA’s Games Tax Relief implemented in the UK our video games industry will be at a serious competitive disadvantage.””

John Chasey, CEO of Finblade, said:

“The UK video games industry is a success story. However, if we want to remain a world leader in this industry and if we want increased investment, more jobs and new IP developed in the UK games industry then the next Parliament and Government must introduce TIGA’s Games Tax Relief as soon as possible. This will enable the UK video games industry to fulfill its potential and benefit the wider UK economy.””


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