TIGA UK Games Education Awards 2025 aim to promote outstanding students, education providers and best practice 

“The UK video games industry depends on a highly skilled workforce and cutting edge research, both of which are provided by higher education. TIGA now wants to strengthen the relationship between industry and higher education via our TIGA UK Games Education Awards 2025. Our TIGA UK Games Education Awards will recognise outstanding students; the best education providers and studios; and good practices, such as excellence in diversity.”

— Dr Richard Wilson OBE, TIGA CEO

The Passage 

TIGA’s charity partner for the TIGA UK Games Education Awards is The Passage. The Passage has been the caretaker of the homeless community in London for the past 40 years. The Passage’s aim is to provide the support to help people transform their lives through outreach services, three residential projects, befriending programmes and the UK’s largest Resource Centre. The Passage’s services offer practical support with employment, welfare rights, immigration, and accommodation, as well as tailored advice for mental health or addiction issues and victims of modern slavery. The Passage believe that homelessness is everyone’s responsibility and by working together we can be part of the solution.  

For further details please visit www.passage.org.uk or contact media@passage.org.uk