The TIGA Games Industry Awards 2023 are divided into two groups: the ‘Games Awards’ (1 – 15) which are open to the entire industry, and the ‘Business Of Games Awards’ (16 – 34) which are reserved for TIGA members.

There are also three special Awards: ‘Outstanding Employer’ and ‘Outstanding Individual Of The Year’, which are chosen by TIGA; and ‘Game Of The Year’, which will be chosen by attendees at the awards ceremony.

Games Categories >>

Our games categories are open to all relevant games businesses.

Social Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, innovative and engaging social games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • excellent game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Casual Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, innovative and engaging casual games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • excellent game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Educational, Serious or Simulation Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • games that are enjoyable and educational – these can be advergames, charity or educational games, simulation games, games with serious content, games with an educational or training purpose or games that are designed to raise awareness about a particular subject;
  • creative, innovative and engaging educational games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • excellent game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Strategy Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, innovative and exciting strategy games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • excellent game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Role Playing Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, innovative and exciting role playing games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • excellent game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Puzzle Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, innovative and engaging puzzle games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • excellent game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Arcade Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, innovative and engaging arcade games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • excellent game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Creativity In Games Awards

The judges will be looking for:

  • creativity and originality in a game;
  • a game that reflects British creativity.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Heritage in Games Award

The judges will be looking for:

  • creativity and innovation;
  • a game that reflects a British or EEA subject matter and heritage.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.


The judges are looking:

  • an outstanding game within this genre of games development.
  • excellence in creativity, innovation and user experience within a VR, AR, XR or MR game.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Action and Adventure Game

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, innovative and exciting action and adventure games;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • great game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Diversity Award

The judges will be looking for:

  • diversity within the characters of the game, i.e. gender, age, socio-economic background, ethnicity, disability, religion;
  • diversity within the development team backed up by company goals to be more inclusive;
  • organisations that promote diversity within the games industry;
  • initiatives or projects that promote diversity within the games industry, or allow a more diverse range of players to be able to take part.

Audio Design

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, high quality audio design in music and in sound effects which enhance the player’s game experience.

Visual Design

The judges will be looking for:

  • creative, imaginative and high quality visual design that provides players with an exciting game experience.

Game as a Service

The judges will be looking for:

  • creativity and innovation;
  • strong visual design;
  • great sound design;
  • great game design.

Games that are available on any platform can enter this category.

Business Categories

Business Categories >>

Our business categories are exclusive to TIGA members, if you’re not a member why not join today?

 Audio Services Supplier

The judges will be looking for the company to provide evidence of:

  • excellent audio work;

  • sound business processes; and

  • excellent commercial results.

Outstanding Leadership Award

The judges will be looking for evidence of a CEO/MD who

  • displays vision and commercial acumen;
  • delivers tangible results;
  • demonstrates business, commercial and creative success;
  • develops the effectiveness of his/her team.

Leaders from developers, publishers, service providers and education providers are eligible to enter this Award.


The judges will be looking for evidence of an organisation that:

  • publishes great games/content that is either their own or is owned by another party;
  • has a track record of commercial success;
  • works positively and constructively with independent developers (if a third party publisher).

Educational Institution

The judges will be looking for evidence of an educational institution that:

  • delivers a high proportion of its students into graduate level jobs, particularly into the games sector;
  • has strong links with industry; and
  • has a track record in research and innovation.

Technology Partner or Provider

The judges will be looking for evidence of engines, middleware, tools, co-development services and technology that:

  • enables developers to create high quality games;
  • helps developers work more effectively and efficiently;
  • can be tailored to support development businesses of all sizes.

Small Studio

The judges will be looking for evidence of a small studio (49 or fewer staff) that:

  • develops great games;
  • has a track record of commercial and critical success.

Large Studio

The Judges will be looking for evidence of a large studio (50 or more staff) which:

  • develops great games;
  • has a track record of commercial and critical success.

Legal Services Supplier

The judges will be looking for the company to provide evidence of:

  • excellent legal work;
  • excellent customer service;
  • excellent commercial results for clients.

QA and/or Localisation Provider

The judges will be looking for the company to provide evidence of:

  • excellent QA and/or localisation work;
  • excellent customer service;
  • excellent commercial results for clients;
  • a track record of business success.

Recruitment Agency

The judges will be looking for the company to provide evidence of:

  • excellent recruitment work;
  • excellent customer service;
  • excellent commercial results for clients;
  • a track record of business success.

Tax and Accountancy Firm

The judges will be looking for the company to provide evidence of:

  • excellent tax and accountancy work;
  • excellent customer service;
  • excellent commercial results for clients;
  • a track record of business success.

Technical Innovation

The judges will be looking for:

  • evidence of technical innovation in the development of a video game carried out by a UK team (if the game is developed by several studios around the world then it will be necessary to show that the innovation was due to the UK team);
  • technical innovation in engines, middleware, tools and technology by a technology business relating to the video games industry.

Services Provider

The judges will be looking for the service company to provide evidence for:

  • excellent customer service;
  • excellent commercial results for clients;
  • a track record of business success.

All service companies that are TIGA members may enter this category.

Education Initiative and Talent Development

The judges will be looking for evidence of an educational initiative that:

  • delivers high proportions of students into graduate level jobs; or
  • delivers outstanding initiatives to prepare students for work (e.g. student internships, strong links with industry, work on industry projects, etc);
  • advances innovation, knowledge and research; or
  • promotes student studio start-ups; or
  • evidence of a studio initiative that contributes to the future supply of good quality personnel available to work in the games industry (e.g. the team making the game could have engaged with a school or run a hackathon with a university or group in order to promote learning, etc.).

Best Art/Animation/Trailer Supplier

The judges will be looking for:

  • excellent work;
  • excellent customer service;
  • excellent commercial results for clients;
  • a track record of business success.

Commitment to ESG Award

The judges will be looking for the studio or company that has shown a commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance initiatives in order to improve society and promote the common good via any of the following:

  • Reducing its carbon footprint; or
  • Showing a commitment to sustainability; or
  • Charitable efforts; or
  • Working with its local community; or
  • Working with education

Commitment to Workplace Wellbeing

The judges will be looking for the studio or company that has shown a commitment to excellence in workplace wellbeing initiatives/programmes, including:

  • Evidence of HR policies that specifically promote employee wellbeing, work-life balance, diversity and inclusion, and mental health support (i.e. employee assistance programmes, flexible working, diversity and inclusion training, or mental health awareness campaigns); and/or
  • Demonstrate a high level of employee engagement and satisfaction, as measured through surveys, testimonials, or other relevant metrics; and/or
  • Showcase the positive impact of their HR and wellbeing initiatives on the broader games industry, including contributions to industry standards, collaborations with other organisations, or the development of best practices.

Accessibility in Games

The Accessibility in Games Award is not just about acknowledging developers who implement standard accessibility features, but also about celebrating those who go above and beyond to ensure their games can be enjoyed by as many people as possible. This includes, but is not limited to, subtitles and captioning, colourblind modes, adjustable text sizes, remappable controls, assist modes, and alternative input methods. Judges will be looking for:-

  • Innovation: Demonstration of innovative approaches to accessibility that push the boundaries of inclusive game design,:-
  • Impact: Evidence of the positive impact their accessibility features have had on players

Special Awards

Special Awards >>

Employer of the Year 2023

This Award is open to TIGA STAR accredited organisations. The judges will be looking for evidence of best practice in terms of: strategy and leadership; recruitment, selection and training and a commitment to equality and diversity; continuous improvement; and an effective recognition and reward strategy.

Outstanding Individual Award

This Award will be presented at the awards ceremony.

  • This is non-enterable and will be awarded to a TIGA member who has made an important contribution to the work of TIGA and to the industry.

Game of the Year

  • The winner will be chosen by attendees of the awards ceremony.
  • Further details to follow!