Press Releases

TIGA keeps pressure up on PEGI for punitive pricing policy

By May 21, 2014 No Comments


TIGA the network for game developers and digital publishers in the UK is continuing to campaign for  PEGI, the European game content rating system, to reform its punitive  pricing policy, following complaints from TIGA members.

In an open letter to PEGI managing director, Simon Little, last month, TIGA CEO Dr Richard Wilson called PEGI’s approach of charging developers a separate fee for age rating a game on different platforms, even if the content is exactly the same, “excessive and unreasonable”.

TIGA was pleased to receive a reply from Mr. Little, in which, to summarise the key points, he defended PEGI’s pricing for only having had one price rise in five years, stated PEGI’s ‘fee per platform’ approach was not new, and also that charging fees according to the potential to generate revenue is reasonable and appropriate.

Whilst TIGA was pleased  to see PEGI’s response, PEGI did not adequately address TIGA’s  key concern, namely, PEGI charging a development studio a fee for content rating every time it launches a game on a different console platform, even if the content is exactly the same. TIGA has written back to PEGI with a letter to that effect.

TIGA’s view is that defending this approach as ‘not new’ misses the point: PEGI’s pricing saddles developers with unreasonable and unnecessary costs, and is an inadequate justification for evaluating the necessity or value of change.

With there now being hundreds of indie development businesses in the UK alone, operating with small teams and limited resources, any repeated or unnecessary fees, especially when they can run into thousands of euros are indeed excessive and unreasonable.

TIGA has re-stated its suggestion of offering developers the opportunity to sign a legally binding document stating when game content is identical for multi-platform releases. This would allow PEGI to provide a single multi-platform age rating, which in turn would save PEGI’s time and indie developers’ money. TIGA would still be very happy to produce a draft of such a legally binding agreement and make it available for free to indie developers.

We have asked PEGI to explain explicitly why it cannot adopt this approach.

Dr. Richard Wilson, CEO, TIGA, comments:

“PEGI is operating a punitive pricing policy. It is disproportionate and unreasonable to charge a developer a fee for content rating every time it launches a game on a different console platform, even if the content is completely the same.
“For PEGI to defend its policy of charging a fee per platform even if the content is the same because it ‘is not new’ is rather like saying we should keep on selling games on discs through high street shops just because that is how it has always been done in the past.
“TIGA proposes that the fee for age rating the same game content for different platforms should be scrapped entirely. We have serious concerns that PEGI’s current approach risks harming start-ups and small independent developers.
“TIGA wants a solution to PEGI’s pricing policy which fairly represents the interests of developers, digital publishers and consumers across Europe. We look forward to engaging with PEGI further on this important subject.”




About TIGA

TIGA is the trade association representing the UK video game industry. We help developers and digital publishers build successful studios, network with the right people, save money and access professional business advice.

We also have traditional publishers, outsourcing companies, technology businesses and universities amongst our membership.

TIGA is 90% funded by independent UK businesses. 80% of our board members are developers and/or from UK owned businesses, and 50% of our board are UK business owners themselves. Since 2010, TIGA has won 17 business awards.

TIGA focuses on three sets of activities: 

  • Political representation
  • Media representation
  • Business services

This enhances the competitiveness of our members by providing benefits that make a material difference to their businesses, including a reduction in costs and improved commercial opportunities. 
It also means our members’ voices are heard in the corridors of power and positively represented in national, broadcast and UK video game trade media.
Get in touch:
Tel: 0845 468 2330
For further information, you can also contact:  
Dr Richard Wilson, TIGA CEO on: 07875 939 643, or email:
Drew Field, TIGA Communications Director on: 07720 643 344, or email 


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